
Useful commands and tips

Variables and Types


  • Definition: Containers for storing information.
  • Example: x = 10

Data Types

  • Integers (int): Whole numbers (e.g., count of dates).
  • Floats (float): Decimal numbers (e.g., compatibility score).
  • Booleans (bool): True/False values (e.g., availability).
  • Strings (str): Text values (e.g., names).
  name = "Alexander"  # String variable
  flags = 0           # Integer variable
  butterflies = True  # Boolean variable

Type Conversion

  • Checking: Use type() to check the type of a variable.
  • Conversion:
    • int(): Converts to integer.
    • float(): Converts to float.
    • str(): Converts to string.
    • bool(): Converts to boolean.

String Formatting

  • Concatenation: Combine strings using +.
  • Formatting: Use f"..." for formatted strings.
name = "Alexander"
print(f"Hello, {name}!")
Hello, Alexander!


Comparison Operators

Symbol Meaning Example
== Equal to score == 100
!= Not equal to degree != “Computer Science”
< Less than salary < 80000
> Greater than experience > 5
<= Less than or equal to age <= 65
>= Greater than or equal to test_score >= 80

Logical Operators

Symbol Meaning Example
and Both conditions must be true score > 80 and experience > 5
or At least one condition must be true score > 80 or experience > 5
not Condition must be false not (score > 80)


if Statements

  • Structure:
if condition:
    # code to execute if condition is True
  • Example:
flat_rating = 8
if flat_rating >= 7:
    print("This is a good apartment!")
This is a good apartment!

if-else Statements

  • Structure:
if condition:
    # code to execute if condition is True
    # code to execute if condition is False
  • Example:
flat_rating = 4
if flat_rating >= 7:
    print("Apply for this flat!")
    print("Keep searching!")
Keep searching!

if-elif-else Statements

  • Structure:
if condition:
    # code to execute if condition is True
elif condition:
    # code to execute if condition is False
    # code to execute if condition is False
  • Example:
flat_rating = 8
if flat_rating >= 9:
    print("Amazing flat - apply immediately!")
elif flat_rating >= 7:
    print("Good flat - consider applying")
    print("Keep looking")
Good flat - consider applying

Complex Conditions

  • Nested if Statements: Use if statements inside other if statements.
  • Logical Operators: Combine conditions using and, or, not.
  • Structure:
if (condition1) and (condition2):
    # code if both conditions are True
elif (condition1) or (condition2):
    # code if at least one condition is True
    # code if none of the conditions are True
  • Example:
flat_rating = 9
price = 900
if (flat_rating >= 9) and (price < 1000):
    print("Amazing flat - apply immediately!")
Amazing flat - apply immediately!

Lists and Tuples


  • Definition: Ordered, mutable collections of items.
  • Creation: Use square brackets [].
ratings = [4.5, 3.8, 4.2]
restaurants = ["Magic Place", "Sushi Bar", "Coffee Shop"]

Accessing Elements

  • Indexing: Use [index] to access elements.
print(restaurants[0])  # Access the first element
Magic Place
  • Negative Indexing: Use [-1] to access the last element.
print(restaurants[-1])  # Access the last element
Coffee Shop
  • Slicing: Use [start:end] to access a range of elements.
print(restaurants[0:2])  # Access the first two elements
['Magic Place', 'Sushi Bar']

Adding Elements

  • Appending: Use append() to add an element to the end of the list.
restaurants.append("Pasta Place")
  • Inserting: Use insert() to add an element at a specific index.
restaurants.insert(0, "Pasta Magic")

Removing Elements

  • Removing: Use remove() to remove an element by value.
restaurants.remove("Pasta Place")
  • Removing by Index: Use pop() to remove an element by index.
'Pasta Magic'

Nested Lists

  • Definition: Lists containing other lists or tuples.
  • Accessing: Use nested indexing.
restaurant_data = [
    ["Pasta Place", 4.5, 3],
    ["Sushi Bar", 4.2, 1]
print(restaurants[0][1])  # Access the second element of the first list


  • Definition: Ordered, immutable collections of items.
  • Creation: Use parentheses ().
  • Immutability: Once created, cannot be changed.
  • Memory Efficiency: Use less memory than lists.
  • Use Cases: Ideal for fixed data (e.g., restaurant location).
ratings = (4.5, 3.8, 4.2)
restaurant_info = ("Pasta Place", "Italian", 2020)


for Loops

  • Definition: Iterate over a sequence of items.
  • Structure:
for item in sequence:
    # code to execute for each item
  • Example:
treatments = ["Standard Drug", "New Drug A", "New Drug B"]
for treatment in treatments:
    print(f"Evaluating efficacy of {treatment}")
Evaluating efficacy of Standard Drug
Evaluating efficacy of New Drug A
Evaluating efficacy of New Drug B

Range in for Loops

  • Definition: Generate a sequence of numbers.
  • Structure:
range(start, stop, step)
  • Example:
for phase in range(5):  # 0 to 4
    print(f"Starting Phase {phase + 1}")
Starting Phase 1
Starting Phase 2
Starting Phase 3
Starting Phase 4
Starting Phase 5
for phase in range(1, 5):  # 1 to 4
    print(f"Starting Phase {phase}")
Starting Phase 1
Starting Phase 2
Starting Phase 3
Starting Phase 4
for phase in range(1, 5, 2):  # 1 to 4, step 2
    print(f"Starting Phase {phase}")
Starting Phase 1
Starting Phase 3

break and continue

  • break: Exit the loop.
  • continue: Skip the current iteration and continue with the next.
efficacy_scores = [45, 60, 75, 85, 90]
for score in efficacy_scores:
    if score < 50:
        print(f"Treatment efficacy: {score}%")
    if score >= 85:

Tuple unpacking

  • Definition: Assign elements of a tuple to variables.
  • Structure:
  • Example:
restaurant_info = ("Pasta Place", "Italian", 2020)
name, cuisine, year = restaurant_info
Pasta Place

while Loops

  • Definition: Execute code repeatedly as long as a condition is true.
  • Structure:
while condition:
    # code to execute while condition is True
  • Example:
phase = 1
while phase <= 5:
    print(f"Starting Phase {phase}")
    phase += 1
Starting Phase 1
Starting Phase 2
Starting Phase 3
Starting Phase 4
Starting Phase 5


Basic Function

  • Definition: Use the def keyword.
  • Structure:
def function_name(parameters):
    # code to execute (function body)
    return value  # Optional
  • Example:
def greet_visitor(name):
    return f"Welcome to the library, {name}!"

'Welcome to the library, Student!'

Return Value

  • Definition: The value returned by a function.
  • Example:
def multiply_by_two(number):
    return number * 2

result = multiply_by_two(5)
  • Note: If a function does not return a value, it implicitly returns None.

Default Parameters

  • Definition: Provide default values for function parameters.
  • Structure:
def greet_visitor(name="People"):
    return f"Welcome to the library, {name}!"

print(greet_visitor()) # Calls the function with the default parameter
print(greet_visitor("Tobias")) # Calls the function with a custom parameter

Multiple Parameters

  • Definition: Functions can have multiple parameters.
  • Structure:
def greet_visitor(name, age):
    return f"Welcome to the library, {name}! You are {age} years old."

print(greet_visitor("Tobias", 30))

String Methods

  • Definition: Methods are functions that are called on strings.
  • Structure:
  • Common String Methods:
    • .strip() - Removes whitespace from start and end
    • .title() - Capitalizes first letter of each word
    • .lower() - Converts to lowercase
    • .upper() - Converts to uppercase
  • Example:
title = "the hitchhikers guide"
The Hitchhikers Guide
title = "   the hitchhikers guide    "
the hitchhikers guide


Standard Libraries

  • Definition: Libraries that are part of the Python standard library.
  • Access: Import them using import.
import math
import random
  • For long package names, you can use the as keyword to create an alias.
import random as rd
  • To call a function from an imported package, use the package name as a prefix.
random_number = rd.random()

Installing Packages

  • Definition: Install packages using pip.
pip install package_name
  • If you are using Miniconda, you can use conda instead.
conda install package_name