mindmap root((Task Properties)) Time-Related Time windows Deadlines Start constraints Deterministic durations Variable durations Stochastic durations Relationship-Based Predecessor relationships Successor relationships Dependencies Priority levels Resource constraints
Lecture IV - Scheduling
Programming: Everyday Decision-Making Algorithms
Washing Machine & Dryer
Let’s solve this simple scheduling problem:
. . .
Task Washing Drying40min 60min
A 30min 80min
B 60min 20min
C 50min 60min D
. . .
Goal: Minimize total time for washing and drying all loads
. . .
Question: An idea how to solve this?
Johnson’s Rule
Rule: To find the optimal solution:
- Find the job with shortest duration:
- If on Machine 1 → Schedule First
- If on Machine 2 → Schedule Last
- If equal → Choose randomly
- Remove job from list and repeat
Applying Johnson’s Rule
Task Washing Drying Schedule40min 60min
A 30min 80min
B 60min 20min
C 50min 60min D
. . .
Question: What’s the first scheduled task?
Applying Johnson’s Rule
Task Washing Drying Schedule40min 60min
A 30min 80min
B 60min 20min 4
C 50min 60min D
- In Task C, the dryer is the shortest task.
- It is on Machine 2 → Schedule Last
. . .
Question: What’s the next task?
Applying Johnson’s Rule
Task Washing Drying Schedule40min 60min
A 30min 80min 1
B 60min 20min 4
C 50min 60min D
- In Task B, the washing machine is the shortest task.
- It is on Machine 1 → Schedule First
. . .
Question: What’s the next task?
Applying Johnson’s Rule
Task Washing Drying Schedule40min 60min 2
A 30min 80min 1
B 60min 20min 4
C 50min 60min D
- In Task A, the washing machine is the shortest task.
- It is on Machine 1 → Schedule Second
. . .
Now, we only have one task left!
Applying Johnson’s Rule
Task Washing Drying Schedule40min 60min 2
A 30min 80min 1
B 60min 20min 4
C 50min 60min 3 D
. . .
Final sequence: B A D C
Optimal Solution
Optimal Solution: B A D C
Total time: 4 hours 20 minutes
. . .
Question: Is there a worse solution?
Suboptimal Solution
Suboptimal Solution: C D A B
Total time: 5 hours 10 minutes
. . .
Question: What’s the difference?
Industrial Revolution
. . .
- First systematic visualization by Frederick Taylor
- Henry Gantt develops the Gantt Chart around 1910
- Key tool during Industrial Revolution
- But no scheduling theory yet!
. . .
Question: Who knows what a Gantt Chart is?
Modern Scheduling Theory
. . .
- RAND Corporation founded (1948)
- Selmer Johnson publishes Johnson’s Rule in 1954
- Beginning of modern scheduling theory
- Many more algorithms and methods developed since
Scheduling Tasks
Task Classification
Question: What properties can scheduled tasks have?
. . .
. . .
Question: What types of tasks do you deal with most often?
Single Machine Scheduling
Question: What is different from before?
Order is Irrelevant
Under simple minimization of total processing time, order doesn’t matter!
. . .
Question: But is it that simple?
. . .
Order becomes crucial when we consider, Deadlines, Priorities and Dependencies!
Earliest Due Date (EDD)
Tasks with individual deadlines:
Task Duration Deadline40min 110min
A 30min 90min
B 60min 150min
C 50min 70min
D 30min 210min E
. . .
Goal: Minimize maximum deadline violation
. . .
Question: An idea how to solve this?
EDD Solution
Rule: Sort the tasks by deadline.
Task Duration Deadline40min 110min
A 30min 90min
B 60min 150min
C 50min 70min
D 30min 210min E
. . .
Task Duration Deadline50min 70min
D 30min 90min
B 40min 110min
A 60min 150min
C 30min 210min E
. . .
Let’s visualize this!
EDD Schedule
. . .
Question: What’s the maximum delay here?
Processing Time
Shortest Processing Time (SPT)
Instead of deadlines, we now have processing times.
Goal: Min. total waiting time
Question: Any ideas?
Rule: Always schedule the shortest remaining task
Shortest Processing Time Applied
Rule: Always schedule the shortest remaining task. Choose random if multiple tasks are tied.
Task Duration Schedule40min
A 30min
B 60min
C 50min
D 30min E
. . .
Question: What’s the order of scheduled tasks?
Shortest Processing Time Applied
Rule: Always schedule the shortest remaining task. Choose random if multiple tasks are tied.
Task Duration Schedule40min 3
A 30min 1
B 60min 5
C 50min 4
D 30min 2 E
. . .
Final sequence: B E A D C or E B A D C
SPT Solution
Optimal sequence:
. . .
Question: Where can we see the waiting time?
SPT Waiting Time
Total waiting time: 340 minutes
. . .
Question: Would this be applicable for your work?
Weighted SPT
- Change: Tasks with additional priorities
- Priorities could be, e.g., revenue if we are consultants.
Task Duration Revenue20min €240
A 30min €200
B 60min €120
C 50min €70
D 30min €130
E 40min €120
F 20min €100
G 70min €110
H 50min €90 I
. . .
Question: Any ideas how to approach this?
Gain/Revenue Per Minute
Rule: Schedule by revenue per minute (descending)
/Min Schedule
Task Duration Revenue Revenue20min €240 12.0
A 30min €200 6.7
B 60min €120 2.0
C 50min €70 1.4
D 30min €130 4.3
E 40min €120 3.0
F 20min €100 5.0
G 70min €110 1.6
H 50min €90 1.8 I
. . .
Question: What’s the order of scheduled tasks?
Gain/Revenue Per Minute
Rule: Schedule by revenue per minute (descending)
/Min Schedule
Task Duration Revenue Revenue20min €240 12.0 1
A 30min €200 6.7
B 60min €120 2.0
C 50min €70 1.4
D 30min €130 4.3
E 40min €120 3.0
F 20min €100 5.0
G 70min €110 1.6
H 50min €90 1.8 I
Gain/Revenue Per Minute
Rule: Schedule by revenue per minute (descending)
/Min Schedule
Task Duration Revenue Revenue20min €240 12.0 1
A 30min €200 6.7 2
B 60min €120 2.0
C 50min €70 1.4
D 30min €130 4.3
E 40min €120 3.0
F 20min €100 5.0
G 70min €110 1.6
H 50min €90 1.8 I
Gain/Revenue Per Minute
Rule: Schedule by revenue per minute (descending)
/Min Schedule
Task Duration Revenue Revenue20min €240 12.0 1
A 30min €200 6.7 2
B 60min €120 2.0
C 50min €70 1.4
D 30min €130 4.3
E 40min €120 3.0
F 20min €100 5.0 3
G 70min €110 1.6
H 50min €90 1.8 I
Gain/Revenue Per Minute
Rule: Schedule by revenue per minute (descending)
/Min Schedule
Task Duration Revenue Revenue20min €240 12.0 1
A 30min €200 6.7 2
B 60min €120 2.0
C 50min €70 1.4
D 30min €130 4.3 4
E 40min €120 3.0 5
F 20min €100 5.0 3
G 70min €110 1.6
H 50min €90 1.8 I
Gain/Revenue Per Minute
Rule: Schedule by revenue per minute (descending)
/Min Schedule
Task Duration Revenue Revenue20min €240 12.0 1
A 30min €200 6.7 2
B 60min €120 2.0 6
C 50min €70 1.4
D 30min €130 4.3 4
E 40min €120 3.0 5
F 20min €100 5.0 3
G 70min €110 1.6
H 50min €90 1.8 I
Gain/Revenue Per Minute
Rule: Schedule by revenue per minute (descending)
/Min Schedule
Task Duration Revenue Revenue20min €240 12.0 1
A 30min €200 6.7 2
B 60min €120 2.0 6
C 50min €70 1.4
D 30min €130 4.3 4
E 40min €120 3.0 5
F 20min €100 5.0 3
G 70min €110 1.6
H 50min €90 1.8 7 I
Gain/Revenue Per Minute
Rule: Schedule by revenue per minute (descending)
/Min Schedule
Task Duration Revenue Revenue20min €240 12.0 1
A 30min €200 6.7 2
B 60min €120 2.0 6
C 50min €70 1.4
D 30min €130 4.3 4
E 40min €120 3.0 5
F 20min €100 5.0 3
G 70min €110 1.6 8
H 50min €90 1.8 7 I
Gain/Revenue Per Minute
Rule: Schedule by revenue per minute (descending)
/Min Schedule
Task Duration Revenue Revenue20min €240 12.0 1
A 30min €200 6.7 2
B 60min €120 2.0 6
C 50min €70 1.4 9
D 30min €130 4.3 4
E 40min €120 3.0 5
F 20min €100 5.0 3
G 70min €110 1.6 8
H 50min €90 1.8 7 I
. . .
Without revenues, we can use the same approach with metric priorities!
Priority Inversion
Task Duration Priority20min 3
A 30min 1
B 30min 2
C 30min 2
D 30min 2 E
Challenge: High-priority tasks depend on low-priority tasks.
Risk: Priority inversion can lead to significant delays!
Priority Inheritance
Question: How to handle with shortest processing time?
- Rule: Tasks inherit priority from their dependents.
- A gets the highest priority from B
- This ensures the critical path completion
. . .
Task Duration Priority20min 3
A 30min 3
B 30min 2
C 30min 2
D 30min 2 E
EDD and Dependencies
Question: What’s was earliest due date again?
. . .
- Sort the tasks by deadline, schedule equal tasks randomly
- Things get more complex when we add dependencies
. . .
Task Duration Deadline Predecessor40min 110min None
A 30min 90min D
B 60min 150min A
C 50min 70min None
D 30min 210min C E
Question: Any ideas how to solve this?
Lawler’s Algorithm
Rule: We can use Lawler’s Algorithm (1968)
- Consider all tasks without successors
- Choose the one with latest deadline
- Schedule the task last
- Remove it from the network and start again
Lawler’s Applied
Task Duration Deadline Predecessor Schedule40min 110min None
A 30min 90min D
B 60min 150min A
C 50min 70min None
D 30min 210min C E
. . .
Question: What’s the schedule?
Lawler’s Applied
Task Duration Deadline Predecessor Schedule40min 110min None
A 30min 90min D
B 60min 150min A
C 50min 70min None
D 30min 210min C 5 E
Lawler’s Applied
Task Duration Deadline Predecessor Schedule40min 110min None
A 30min 90min D
B 60min 150min A 4
C 50min 70min None
D 30min 210min C 5 E
Lawler’s Applied
Task Duration Deadline Predecessor Schedule40min 110min None
A 30min 90min D 3
B 60min 150min A 4
C 50min 70min None
D 30min 210min C 5 E
Lawler’s Applied
Task Duration Deadline Predecessor Schedule40min 110min None
A 30min 90min D 3
B 60min 150min A 4
C 50min 70min None 2
D 30min 210min C 5 E
Lawler’s Applied
Task Duration Deadline Predecessor Schedule40min 110min None 1
A 30min 90min D 3
B 60min 150min A 4
C 50min 70min None 2
D 30min 210min C 5 E
. . .
Note, how all tasks become tasks without successors at some point.
Lawler’s Solution
Predecessor tasks are tasks that must be completed before the current task can start. They are marked in grey in the chart.
. . .
Question: What’s the maximum delay?
Difficulty of Scheduling
SPT with Predecessors
- No solution in polynomial time
- NP-hard problem (no efficient algorithm)
- True for most scheduling problems!
- We can use heuristics, though
. . .
Question: What have we missed so far?
Real-time Scheduling
- In reality, we cannot predict the future
- We need to react to new tasks as they happen
- If we have a deadline, we might need to meet it
- Let’s look at this for the earliest due date objective
. . .
An earliest due date is a specific point in time by which a task must be completed. Under this objective, we want to minimize the maximum delay.
Real-time EDD
8:00-12:00 Schedule:
Task Duration Deadline20min 9:00
Email A 60min 10:50
Create PPT 10min 9:00
Investor call 30min 10:20
Email B 40min 11:00
Liquidity 20min 11:20
Email C 40min 10:00 Email D
. . .
Question: Any ideas how to start with under the objective of the earliest due date?
EDD Rule for Real-time
- Always schedule the task with the earliest deadline
- If a new task with an earlier deadline comes in, re-schedule
- Otherwise, stick to the original schedule.
. . .
If a new task has the same deadline as the current task, you can choose either. But due to the cost of context switching, you might want to stick with the current task.
EDD Solution for Real-time
. . .
Question: What’s the maximum delay with this schedule?
SPT for Real-time
A shortest processing time is the task with the shortest duration. Under this objective, we want to minimize the total waiting time.
. . .
Question: Any ideas how to start here?
SPT Rule for Real-time
- Always schedule the task with the shortest duration
- If a new task with a shorter duration comes in, re-schedule
- Otherwise, stick to the original schedule.
. . .
If a new task has the same duration as the current task, you can choose either. But due to the cost of context switching, you might again want to stick with the current task.
SPT Solution for Real-time
. . .
Question: Where can we see the waiting time?
SPT Solution for Real-time
Total waiting time: 260 minutes
What is Thrashing?
- Excessive context switching
- Organization overhead exceeds productivity
- Maximum activity, minimum output
. . .
Question: Have you ever experienced this?
Thrashing Warning Signs
- Constant task switching
- Nothing getting completed
- Increasing stress levels
- Declining quality
. . .
Question: Any ideas how to prevent this?
Preventing Thrashing Strategic
Strategic solutions focus on long-term changes to prevent thrashing.
. . .
- Task rejection/delegation threshold
- Simplified organization systems
- Minimum work period rules
- Reduced reactivity requirements
Preventing Thrashing Tactical
- Time blocking
- Focus periods
- Task batching
- Priority freezes
. . .
Question: What strategies have worked for you?
Key Takeaways
- Scheduling is crucial for effective time management
- Different objectives need different algorithms
- EDD for deadline management
- SPT for waiting time reduction
- Address thrashing early
- Define your reactivity goals
- Use appropriate algorithms as foundations
The End
That’s it for todays lecture!
We now have covered a brief introduction into scheduling. Now, we can start with the tutorials! As we have now a good foundation, we can start to apply some algorithms on data sets in Python.
Interesting literature to start
- Christian, B., & Griffiths, T. (2016). Algorithms to live by: the computer science of human decisions. First international edition. New York, Henry Holt and Company.1
Books on Programming
- Downey, A. B. (2024). Think Python: How to think like a computer scientist (Third edition). O’Reilly. Here
- Elter, S. (2021). Schrödinger programmiert Python: Das etwas andere Fachbuch (1. Auflage). Rheinwerk Verlag.
. . .
Think Python is a great book to start with. It’s available online for free. Schrödinger Programmiert Python is a great alternative for German students, as it is a very playful introduction to programming with lots of examples.
More Literature
For more interesting literature, take a look at the literature list of this course.
The main inspiration for this lecture. Nils and I have read it and discussed it in depth, always wanting to translate it into a course.↩︎