Julia Syntax Cheatsheet

Optimization with Julia

This cheatsheet provides a quick reference for Julia programming language syntax and common operations. Julia is a high-level, high-performance programming language designed for numerical and scientific computing. It combines the ease of use of Python or R with the speed of C. For comprehensive documentation, visit:

Variables and Basic Types

Variable Declaration and Types

# Basic variable declaration
x = 1                  # Implicit typing
y::Int64 = 5          # Explicit type annotation

# Common types
num_int = 42          # Integer (Int64)
num_float = 19.99     # Float (Float64)
is_student = true     # Boolean
name = "Julia"        # String
c = 3 + 4im           # Complex number
sym = :symbol         # Symbol

# Check type
typeof(num_int)       # Returns Int64
typeof(num_float)     # Returns Float64

String Operations

# String manipulation
str = "Hello, World!"
length(str)           # String length
lowercase(str)        # Convert to lowercase
uppercase(str)        # Convert to uppercase
strip(" text ")       # Remove leading/trailing whitespace

String Interpolation

name = "Julia"
age = 30
# Basic interpolation
msg1 = "I am $age years old"
# Expression interpolation
msg2 = "In 5 years, I'll be $(age + 5)"
# Complex interpolation
greeting = "Hello, my name is $name and I am $age years old"

Type Conversion

# Convert between types
float_num = Float64(42)    # Int to Float
int_num = Int64(3.14)      # Float to Int
str_num = string(42)       # Number to String

Key Points

  • Variables are dynamic, types are not
  • Use typeof() to check variable type
  • String interpolation is powerful for formatted output

Vectors, Matrices, and Tuples


# Create vectors
grades = [95, 87, 91, 78, 88]    # Numeric vector
names = ["Mike", "Yola", "Elio"] # String vector

# Vector operations
push!(grades, 82)       # Add element to end
pop!(grades)           # Remove last element
popfirst!(grades)      # Remove first element

# Vector indexing
first = grades[1]      # Access first element
subset = grades[1:3]   # Access first three elements


# Create matrices
matrix = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]    # 2x3 matrix
# Matrix operations
matrix[2,3] = 17           # Change specific element

# Matrix arithmetic
matrix1 = [2 2; 3 3]
matrix2 = [1 2; 3 4]
sum_matrix = matrix1 + matrix2      # Matrix addition
prod_matrix = matrix1 * matrix2     # Matrix multiplication
element_prod = matrix1 .* matrix2   # Element-wise multiplication

# Broadcasting
matrix .+ 10                # Add 10 to each element


# Create tuples (immutable)
person = ("Elio Smith", 18, "Hamburg")
rgb = (255, 0, 0)

# Tuple operations
name = person[1]           # Access first element
age, city = person[2:3]    # Multiple assignment

Key Differences

  • Vectors: Mutable, 1-dimensional, good for lists
  • Matrices: Mutable, 2-dimensional, good for linear algebra
  • Tuples: Immutable, fixed-size, good for grouping related constants

Comparison and Logical Operators

Basic Comparisons

# Comparison operators
x == y    # Equal to
x != y    # Not equal to
x < y     # Less than
x > y     # Greater than
x <= y    # Less than or equal to
x >= y    # Greater than or equal to

# Examples
password_correct = (input == "secret123")
is_adult = (age >= 18)
can_afford = (price <= budget)

Logical Operators

# AND operator (&&)
can_buy = (age >= 18) && (money >= price)    # Both conditions must be true

# OR operator (||)
need_coat = (temp < 10) || is_raining        # At least one must be true

# NOT operator (!)
is_closed = !is_open                         # Inverts boolean value

Chained Comparisons

# Instead of
x >= 0 && x <= 10    # Check if x is between 0 and 10

# You can write
0 <= x <= 10         # More natural syntax

# Real-world examples
normal_temp = 36.5 <= body_temp <= 37.5
work_hours = 9 <= current_hour < 17

Key Points

  • Comparisons return boolean values (true or false)
  • && requires all conditions to be true
  • || requires at least one condition to be true
  • ! inverts a boolean value
  • Chained comparisons make range checks more readable

Loops and Iterations

For Loops

# Basic for loop with range
for i in 1:3
    println(i)        # Prints 1, 2, 3

# Iterating over array
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for fruit in fruits
    println(fruit)    # Prints each fruit

# For loop with break
for x in 1:10
    if x == 4
        break        # Exits loop when x is 4

# For loop with conditions
for x in 1:10
    if x <= 2
    elseif x == 3

While Loops

# Basic while loop
number = 10
while number >= 5
    number -= 1      # Decrements until < 5

# Infinite loop with break
current = 0
while true
    current += 1
    if current == 5
        break        # Exits when condition met

# While loop with condition
lives = 3
while lives > 0
    lives -= 1       # Continues until lives = 0

Nested Loops

# Nested loop example
sizes = ["S", "M", "L"]
colors = ["Red", "Blue"]
for size in sizes
    for color in colors
        println("$color $size")

# Matrix iteration
for i in 1:3
    for j in 1:2
        println("Position: $i,$j")

List Comprehensions

# Basic list comprehension
squares = [n^2 for n in 1:5]    # [1,4,9,16,25]

# With condition
evens = [n for n in 1:10 if n % 2 == 0]    # [2,4,6,8,10]

# Nested comprehension
matrix = [i*j for i in 1:3, j in 1:3]    # 3x3 multiplication table

Key Points

  • for loops are best when you know the number of iterations
  • while loops are useful for unknown iteration counts
  • Use break to exit loops early
  • List comprehensions offer concise array creation
  • Nested loops are useful for multi-dimensional iteration


Basic Dictionary Operations

# Create a dictionary
student_ids = Dict(
    "Elio" => 1001,
    "Bob" => 1002,
    "Yola" => 1003

# Access values
id = student_ids["Elio"]        # Get value by key
student_ids["David"] = 1004     # Add new key-value pair
delete!(student_ids, "Bob")     # Remove entry

# Check key existence
if haskey(student_ids, "Eve")

Advanced Operations

# Dictionary with array values
grades = Dict(
    "Elio" => [85, 92, 78],
    "Bob" => [76, 88, 94]

# Get all keys and values
names = keys(grades)          # Get all keys
scores = values(grades)       # Get all values

# Iterate over dictionary
for (student, grade_list) in grades
    avg = sum(grade_list) / length(grade_list)
    println("$student: $avg")

Common Methods

# Dictionary methods
length(dict)           # Number of entries
empty!(dict)           # Remove all entries
get(dict, key, default)# Get value or default if key missing
merge(dict1, dict2)    # Combine two dictionaries
copy(dict)             # Create shallow copy

Key Points

  • Keys must be unique
  • Values can be of any type (including arrays)
  • Use haskey() to safely check for key existence
  • Dictionaries are mutable (can be changed)
  • Keys are accessed with square brackets dict["key"]


Basic Function Definition

# Basic function with explicit return
function say_hello(name)
    return "Hello, $(name)!"

# Function with implicit return
function multiply(a, b)
    a * b    # Last expression is automatically returned

# Conditional return
function do_something(a, b)
    if a > b
        return a * b
        return a + b

Advanced Function Features

# Optional arguments
function greet(name="Guest", greeting="Hello")
    "$greeting, $name!"

# Multiple return values
function stats(numbers)
    avg = sum(numbers) / length(numbers)
    min_val = minimum(numbers)
    max_val = maximum(numbers)
    return avg, min_val, max_val

# Anonymous functions
numbers = 1:10
map(x -> x^2, numbers)  # Square each number

Function Scope

# Local scope example
function bake_cake()
    secret_ingredient = "vanilla"    # Only exists inside function
    return secret_ingredient        # Must return to access outside

# Variables outside function not accessible inside
global_var = 10
function scope_example()
    # Can read global_var but can't modify it
    return global_var + 5

Multiple Dispatch

# Generic operation for all types
function operation(a, b)
    "Generic operation for $(typeof(a)) and $(typeof(b))"

# Type-specific implementations
operation(a::Number, b::Number) = a + b        # For numbers
operation(a::String, b::String) = string(a, b) # For strings

# Usage examples
operation(10, 20)          # Returns 30
operation("Hello", "!")    # Returns "Hello!"
operation("Hi", 42)        # Uses generic operation

Key Points

  • Functions can have explicit or implicit returns
  • Last expression is automatically returned if no return statement
  • Variables inside functions are local by default
  • Multiple dispatch allows different behavior based on argument types
  • Use return for early exits or conditional

Package Management

Basic Package Operations

# Import package manager
import Pkg              # Access as Pkg.function()
using Pkg              # Import all exported names

# Add packages
Pkg.add("DataFrames")  # Add single package
Pkg.add(["Package1", "Package2"])  # Add multiple packages

# Update packages
Pkg.update()           # Update all packages
Pkg.update("DataFrames")  # Update specific package

# Remove packages
Pkg.rm("DataFrames")   # Remove package